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Vtiger CRM manual in English

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It is with great pleasure that we have set up this user manual of Vtiger CRM. A manual is never good and clear enough. Therefore, at the bottom of each page you can comment or add to this vtiger CRM manual. A manual is never complete enough, contributions for improvement and expansion are therefore welcome.

In this online Vtiger CRM manual we will mainly explain how to use vtiger as a user. Installation and configuration is work for administrators and therefore not (or sporadically) included in this manual.

Attention to practical tips and additional modules

Much is self-evident in vtiger or is already extensively covered in the vtiger CRM book. Therefore we pay particular attention to details, hints and practical tips from practice. We also refer to smart additional vtiger modules in this vtiger CRM manual.

Do you have any tips of your own? Add them!


You may freely use this online manual to make more efficient use of the Vtiger CRM yourself. You may not copy, include in other media or commercially use the information without permission from Vicus eBusiness Solutions B.V..

Table of Contents
