management - patches - security - customization - updates - upgrades

Vicus manages, maintains and assists with the porting of Magento web shops to an up-to-date version

Always work with an up-to-date Magento

Why should I have a Magento update? It works just fine as it is, right? A question we often get when we advise a customer to consider an update to the latest version of Magento.

Magento plans a new release on a tight schedule every three months. Along with the new release, a patch is released for the previous release. For older releases support usually expires. In practice, you are therefore on an unsupported release after about 6 months. This applies not only to the Magento core but also to all plug-ins & extensions.

Vicus has been building webshops since 2004. We have now built more than 340 webshops, of which over 197 are in Magento.

Main reasons for an update

  • Security
  • Bugfixes
  • Speed
  • Compatibility
  • Higher seo scores
  • New devices
  • Time Savings
  • Support plug-ins
  • Functionality


See more recommendations

Not updating regularly can cost you a lot

Software updates is an investment


Improved security is needed to remain compliant with the AVG and provide secure payments.


Fixing existing features that don't work (flawlessly) ensures an improved user experience.

New devices

Support for new tablets and mobile devices prevents your webshop from not working for new and existing customers.


With up-to-date versions of the system software PHP, MySQL and Apache, the underlying system will be more secure and faster.


Avoid surprises due to incompatibility with web browsers.

Higher seo scores

Prevent drop in your findability in search engines.

Time Savings

Improved user-friendliness often allows you to save time.

Support plug-ins

You can be in acute trouble if, for example, your logistics or payment system vendor releases an update that no longer works in your outdated software.


Improved security is needed to remain compliant with the AVG and provide secure payments.

Unique update subscription

with only benefits!

  • Collective updates have less overhead - Especially if updates have been skipped, it's figuring out every time. This makes separate occasional updates expensive.
  • Update per version lowers complexity- If you keep up with the versions, the difference between versions is smaller and therefore more manageable. Chances of problems and conflicts are then also smaller.
  • Collective updates reduce costs - If we update your shop together with other customers at the same time, we will be able to solve issues in your shop more quickly.
  • Always up to date - We can update your shop as soon as a new version is found to be stable. So you are always up to date with the latest security insights, performance improvements, bug fixes and new features.

Many customers have already experienced the benefits of an update subscription.

Substantial Magento updates(s)

An update is a big job because of the often huge amount of modules, customizations and links. Modules such as social media, labels, logistics and links with Web Analytics, payment providers, customer ratings and logistics fulfillment centers.

Experienced Magento update partner

With 18 years of Magento experience, we are one of the most experienced parties in the Netherlands. It shows, because we are regularly called to the rescue to bring stability to the system, solve performance, integration or setup problems.

Testing after Magento update

In practice we have learned that after a Magento update you really need to test all parts of the webshop very well. Of course we will help you with that!

Magento clean on the hook

Result after the Magento update is a once again easily manageable up-to-date Magento system. It seems so simple, but it's not. Without a good plan you will get stuck! And that's where we come in!

When are you having your Magento updated?


Please leave your details. We will then contact you to discuss the best solution for you.

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