Implementing Open Source
Design, build and furnish
Anyone looking for software and applications to intelligently automate customer-facing processes - and preferably with open source software - will come to Vicus.
Vicus is an expert in implementing Open Source software. Therefore, Vicus is uniquely qualified to apply these solutions effectively and efficiently to your business situation.
Vicus likes to set the foundations of your project right before building any further. Because we select and integrate mainly open source building blocks we can deliver a first version in a short time.
Partner in Open Source Software
Implement open source automation solutions
Vicus provides a very wide range of open source solutions for customer-facing processes. Ignoring Open Source means that a company denies itself access to high-quality software without licensing fees.
Vicus works with both time-boxes (modern iterative, agile) and familiar waterfall method projects. After delivery of a project we offer additional support through our service desk. Vicus applies the solutions effectively and efficiently to your business situation.
When you can't avoid customization, our expert developers are there for you. We know the products, have the source code and maintain good relationships with the original developers. Therefore, Vicus can realize almost all your customization needs.
If you are currently using another package, but are not satisfied with it, you want to switch to one that will help you better. Vicus has a lot of experience in transferring valuable data and redesigning your business process. We would be happy to help you.
Effective deployment of best of breed Open Source software
Open Source is a licensing model
cut costs by working together
The Open Source software offers the possibility to tailor your applications to your specific business needs. This also applies to adding modules or functionality. Open Source software allows stakeholders to collaborate on improving and/or extending the software.
Freedom is not the same as free
Open Source means above all the freedom to do with the software what you want; to view the source code, use it, improve it, add to it and distribute it. Open source software offers freedom of choice and you are no longer tied to one supplier. In addition, Open Source software offers you a good price-quality ratio. Open source does not mean free.
According to Vicus, open source means: software that is developed and continuously improved thanks to the power of the community. Software that offers freedom to adapt it to your changing needs and goals.
Decide when you want to invest
Thanks to smart configurations, modules and, if required, customization. Where you are not dependent on a dealer, licenses or upgrades. You decide when you want to invest. Thanks to this flexibility, opting for open source often offers considerable cost advantages, certainly in the long term. You get a 'best-of-breed' solution that suits you, now and in the future.
At the right address with Vicus
Open Source services from Vicus: for customer-oriented processes. We provide you with the best customized Open Source & Open Standard software, which allows you to make the most of the power of all applications.
Tailored to your needs. Our servers provide foolproof management of applications and backups. We work with professional development tools.
Why Vicus Our experienced employees put their know-how to use in the preparation of workshops, implementation plans and cost statements. In doing so, we work with partners who have sufficient knowledge of additional components, software and processes.
Vicus' Open Source & Open Standard software allows you to make the most of all applications and tailor them specifically to your business needs.
Open Source Software
Entrepreneurs with vision choose
Software development is dynamic. What is sophisticated today is outdated tomorrow. Of course you want to focus on your core business. You don't want to be confronted with expensive surprises every time you are tied to a software supplier.
We work with professional development tools and all employees deployed by us are experienced ICT professionals with a relevant technical background such as MySQL, PHP, Javascript, CSS.
Enter into a service agreement with Vicus for support such as workshops, training, user questions, maintenance, customization and (security) updates.
After realizing your web-based crm or e-commerce application, Vicus offers support in the use and maintenance of your software. Call our helpdesk for support.
There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Open Source is so-called Free Software. Not as Free in Free Beer, but Free as in Freedom. In particular, it's about the freedom you have. The English have introduced the acronym TANSTAAFL for this - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
The term "free" in this context is primarily a reference to a lack of constraint ("freedom") rather than a lack of cost ("free").
Open source has many advantages
Attractive licensing terms
At attractive licensing terms, you can get started professionally through Vicus and make the most of the power of all the applications.
- No licensing fees, no ownership discussions
- source code is available, data is always accessible
- no administration and purchasing process for licenses
No vendor lock-in
When you choose open source you are not dependent on a dealer, licenses or mandatory upgrades. Thanks to this flexibility, open source offers significant cost advantages. You get a 'best-of-breed' solution that suits you. Often you even get the source code according to the corresponding license.
Tailoring to your needs
If desired, you can easily tailor the applications to your specific business needs. This also applies to adding modules or functionality.
Up to date whenever you want
In addition, our servers provide foolproof management of the applications and backups. So you are always up-to-date with the software and its management. You decide when you want to invest.
Stay in charge of your own information!
Your data is stored in a permanently accessible format. If you switch to a different architecture or software package, your data can be easily transferred. Customization and maintenance of the software can be done by whomever you want.
New Form of Escrow
Lawyers still have to get used to it. Your rights follow from the open source licenses. That's why we offer an escrow service that allows you to receive a regular, working backup of your web shop or CRM system at a location of your choosing.
Cheaper with Open Source
We are happy to show you with calculations that, despite an investment in customization, you will be left with a positive return if you choose Open Source. After all, you pay for the software and pay no license fees!
Open Source Development Method
The form in which individuals from different organizations, countries or in their personal capacity collaborate to further develop the software is called the Open Source development method. Stakeholders work together to improve and/or extend the software, without ownership issues getting in the way.
With the acquisition of Muis by King, we also immediately expand our link so that we can also support these customers of King Software.
Following VOSBA's technology update, it has become easier to add new links. This link with Oculus is the one that bites the bullet.
Now that Adobe / Magento has tight schedules for updates (4x per year) more and more of our customers are switching to this subscription model. Not mandatory; but it makes life a lot easier (and cheaper) for all of us.
Because of the availability of new underlying technologies and the need for smarter processing, it was time for a major upgrade.
Now that Adobe has finally decided to stop updates, Vicus offers an alternative at least until July 2029. Together with MageOne and TrustGuard, we offer a subscription to keep Magento 1 web shops safe and up-to-date.
The announcement that Magento is to be replaced by a completely new version has quite a bit of work to do. It requires training and adjustment of work processes.
After the link between King and Magento, there were also King customers with a need for a CRM system. Reason enough to also realize this link.
Meanwhile, many customers are already using the links with King. In 2009, this was innovative and Vicus was one of the first to offer a link via middleware. This still enables us to put a project online relatively quickly. In the meantime, we have realized many linking projects with King.
With the growing need for online sales and professionalization of the e-commerce field, more and more derivatives of Oscommerce are coming. We select Zen Cart and build many web shops with it.
More and more customers have a need for integration. After a number of evenings and nights of work, the VOSBA integration framework was finally created. VOSBA is still the basis for many of the integrations we perform.
After an extensive selection process in which we examine various available open source packages, Vtiger CRM emerges as the winner.
Software such as:
- Magento (since 2007)
- Zen Cart (since 2004)
- Vtiger CRM (since 2004)
- WooCommerce
- WordPress
Since 2006, we also link through our VOSBA framework to, among others:
- King business software
- Microsoft Dynamics Navision
- Logistics service providers
- Warehouse management (e.g., WICS)
Contact us without obligation
Please contact us to discuss your possibilities with us without any obligation. Luuk or Helenus will call you for a good conversation.