Vicus always ensures that our CRM, the heart of our organization, is always up and running! Fast service with friendly people.
Claudia Haenen
Manager Operations, ReRa Solutions
Creating visit reports doesn't have to take you a lot of time with Vtiger's visit reports module from Vicus.
Anne Kreupeling
crm consultant Vicus eBusiness Solutions
We are confident that we can achieve our goals with the support of Vicus
Paul Straver
Director, Webeasy
I already knew Vicus from a previous project and with them you can switch very well in phases.
Herman Zijerveld
Managing Director, Techno Motor Veghel
We advise and support top software likeMagento, WordPress and Vtiger CRM and set it up optimally for you. So that you get a quick return on your investment.
Luuk Roovers
director Vicus
The update of my Magento shop was performed by Vicus almost flawlessly. Also, small problems in our web store were also solved.
Robert Machielsen
Owner of Annie's Healing Herbs
Because of our long-standing partnership with Vicus, there was no question for us to strengthen the cooperation with them and start working with the excellent tools Vtiger and WebVisitAnalyser ourselves.
Gerdien Blokhuis
Commercial Manager, King Software
The workshop went very well! I got a good insight into the 'architecture' possibilities and choices of my new webshop.
Roel Keurstens
Owner O2D | One2Develop
Greater efficiency, better insight and more job satisfaction. The Warehouse Management Module within Vtiger CRM proved to be the right choice for our organization.
Bert Smeitink
director of cad2m
We are very satisfied with the service and responsiveness of Vicus, and above all I like the fact that their employees not only talk in technical jargon but also understand the level of the customer.
Henno Schothorst
Product & Marketing Manager, BBA Pumps BV
Vicus as a partner from the very beginning, stable, a club that breathes technology, has well organised processes, looks cleverly at the market and does not need to be the first in line and continues to develop at its own pace. That seems distinctive enough for the next decade.
Erik Serre
Partner manager Buckaroo
Vinoblesse is very satisfied with the cooperation with Vicus, due to the personal approach, quick response and adequate knowledge.
Tjitske Brouwer
Owner, Vinoblesse
Open Standards and Open Source software contribute to the knowledge economy and innovation. Open Source software offers especially great opportunities in collaboration and in preventing monopolies and vendor dependencies.
Alexander Pechtold
We have learned a lot from our collaboration and the shop has brought a lot of good things. As far as that is concerned, a great success!
Vilius Kidikas
Marketer, Friesche Oil and Paint Shop
By using vtiger CRM we experience a clearer and faster way of working.
Remco Zuidema
Director, RAZ Stand Construction
The hired expert Luuk Roovers of Vicus eBusiness Solutions enabled us to translate our strategic Program of Requirements into an operational program. Luuk helped us with countering, critically reviewing the process and forcing us to jump over our own shadow.
Marcel Otto
Director Wifac
Vicus integrates your software and business processes into a well-oiled machine. We build bridges between open and closed systems to match your business processes.
Luuk Roovers
director, Vicus eBusiness Solutions
With Vicus we have a Magento service provider that fits our core values. Keeping appointments, offering quality and security with a personal approach.
Lisanne Huizingh
Director/Owner, Company clothing shop