Goods and materials in Vtiger

Seamless integration pre-sales and post-sales

Manage products, services, price lists, suppliers, sales quotes, purchase orders, sales orders and invoices

Vtiger CRM goes beyond a traditional CRM. In fact, Vtiger CRM extends the complete sales cycle with the integrated management of products, price lists, suppliers, sales quotes, purchase orders, sales orders and invoices.

With vtiger CRM you achieve seamless integration between pre-sales and post-sales activities in one software application. By offering goods, materials and deliveries you achieve seamless integration between pre and post-sales activities. Your entire sales cycle in one CRM system!

  • Track open quotes via the quote list;
  • Add items to quotes and automatically adjust subtotal, tax and total amounts;
  • Select different prices for the same product by customer segment;
  • Create printer-friendly sales quotes and send them to prospect customers via the built-in email service;
  • Create sales order or invoice with one click from the quote;
  • Avoid duplication of effort by using dynamic billing and shipping addresses of the prospect.
  • Show related quotes by the account card;
  • Use custom fields from the quotation module as needed.
  • Streamline organization-wide procurement and fulfillment processes with vtiger CRM's integrated approach;
  • Track outstanding orders through the order summary;
  • Buy products from best available suppliers, manufacturers, Resellers list in vtiger CRM;
  • Manage up-to-date inventory position through the seamless integration between order fulfillment and available stock in your warehouse or store;
  • Customize the purchase order (PO) and sales order (SO) fields as needed in your organization;
  • Avoid duplication of effort by dynamically displaying the prospect's invoice and shipping address during order creation;
  • Add order lines to orders and recalculate subtotal, taxes and totals automatically;
  • Create printer-friendly orders (PO/SO) and send them to Suppliers and Customers respectively through the built-in email service;
  • Once the sales order is accepted, create an invoice from the sales order with one click;
  • Periodically reports the stock position to the relevant departments in your organization so that the stock is always optimally matched to the outstanding orders.
  • Track outstanding invoices from the invoice list;
  • Create printer-friendly invoices and send them to customers via the built-in email service;
  • Customize the invoice fields as needed by your organization;
  • Add lines to the invoice and recalculate subtotal, taxes and totals automatically;
  • Avoid duplication of effort by dynamically displaying the prospect's invoice and shipping address during invoice creation;
  • Link invoices to the correct general ledger for worry-free accounting.
  • Link products with other modules for an overall view;
  • Import product details from other software applications;
  • Create custom product fields according to your organization's needs;
  • Link product-specific documents, such as information, brochures and license agreements;
  • Add product images for easy identification;
  • Export product details to spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice for further analysis;
  • Create price lists by customer segment and link products with price lists;
  • Purchase products through the approved supplier list.